requirement engineering Mcqs
2. Starting from least to most important, choose the order of stakeholder ?
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A. Middle level stakeholder</strong>

B. Entry level Personnel

C. . Users

D. Managers
3. Which is one of the most important stakeholder from the following ?
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A. Middle level stakeholder

B. Managers

C. Users of the software

D. Entry level personnel

10. Why is Requirements Elicitation a difficult task ?
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A. Problem of understanding

B. All of the mentioned

C. Problem of volatility

D. Problem of scope

11. What are the kinds of actors used in OOSE ?
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A. Primary

B. Secondary

C. Ternary

D. Both Primary and Secondary
14. How is brainstorming different from JAD ? Brainstorming sessions ?
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A. all of the mentioned

B. last for about 2-3 days

C. cover the technology used for the development

D. last for about 2-3 hours
15. How is throwaway prototype different from evolutionary prototype ?
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A. It involves just one task

B. It involves successive steps

C. The prototype is built with the idea that it will eventually be converted into final system

D. It has a shorter development time

16. Which of the following is a requirement management activity ?
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A. Investigation

B. Design

C. Construction and Test

D. All of the mentioned
17. ___________ and ___________ are the two issues of Requirement Analysis?
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A. Performance, Design

B. None of the mentioned

C. Functional, Non-Functional

D. Stakeholder, Developer
18. FAST stands for___________________?
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A. None of the mentioned

B. Functional Application Specification Technique

C. Fast Application Specification Technique

D. Facilitated Application Specification Technique
19. Which one of the following is a functional requirement ?
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A. Portability

B. Robustness

C. Maintainability

D. None of the mentioned
20. QFD stands for ________________?
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A. quality function deployment

B. none of the mentioned

C. quality function design

D. quality function development

22. What are the four dimensions of Dependability ?
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A. Security, Safety, Testability, Usability

B. Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Security

C. Usability, Reliability, Security, Flexibility

D. Availability, Reliability, Security, Safety
23. What are the types of requirement in Quality Function Deployment (QFD) ?
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A. Functional, Non-Functional

B. Normal, Expected, Exciting

C. Known, Unknown, Undreamed

D. User, Developer

25. Which of the following is included in SRS ?
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A. Staffing

B. Delivery Schedule

C. Cost

D. Design Constraints
27. Choose a framework that corresponds to Issue Based Information System (IBIS) ?
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A. Idea -> Question -> Argument

B. Question -> Idea -> Argument

C. Issue -> Position -> Justification

D. Both Question -> Idea -> Argument and Issue -> Position -> Justification
28. Choose the incorrect statement with respect to Non-Functional Requirement(NFR) ?
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A. Quantitative Approach Find measurable scales for the functionality attributes

B. Process-oriented Approach Focus on how NFRs can be used in the design process

C. Product-oriented Approach Focus on system (or softwarE. quality

D. Qualitative Approach Study various relationships between quality goals

32. What of the following is not an output of a JAD session ?
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A. ER model


C. Context Diagrams

D. UML diagrams
36. Keeping the requirements of QFD in mind which of the following is not an example of an Expected Requirement ?
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A. Specific system functions

B. Quality graphical display

C. Overall operational correctness and reliability

D. Ease of software installation

39. What kind of approach was introduced for elicitation and modelling to give a functional view of the system ?
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A. Fusion (by Coleman)

B. Use Cases (by Jacobson)

C. Object Modeling Technique (by Rumbaugh)

D. Object Oriented Design (by Booch)

46. Which of the following statements about SRS is/are true ?
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A. SRS is written by customer

B. SRS is written by a developer

C. . SRS serves as a contract between customer and developer</strong>

47. Choose the disadvantage of using SSM as an elicitation technique ?
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A. SSM is in its infant stage

B. SSM is suitable for new systems

C. It incorporates human element into design

D. Standard methodologies like Role Exploration, Issue Resolution and Reorganization support SSM

49. The SRS is said to be consistent if and only if____________________?
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A. every requirement stated therein is verifiable

B. no subset of individual requirements described in it conflict with each other

C. every requirement stated therein is one that the software shall meet

D. its structure and style are such that any changes to the requirements can be made easily while retaining the style and structure

50. What is the first step of requirement elicitation ?
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A. Identifying Stakeholder

B. Requirements Gathering

C. All of the mentioned

D. Listing out Requirements