development theories and under development Mcqs
2. Who looked upon economic development as a race between capital accumulation and population growth?
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A. Classical writers

B. Neo-classical writers

C. Marxian writers

D. All the three

3. Karl Deutsch believed that political development should be linked with:
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A. Administrative advancement

B. Political mobilisation

C. Industrialisation

D. Political participation

E. Political stability
4. According to Ricardo the key role in economic development is played by: __________?
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A. The landlords

B. The capitalists

C. The Labourers

D. The scientists

5. According to Adam Smith the division of labour contributes to development because:
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A. It leads to reduction in production time

B. It leads to invention of better machines and equipment

C. All the above factors

D. It leads to an increase in dexterity among workers

6. Marx in his writings: _______________?
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A. Emphasized that capitalism was respobsible for underdevelopment

B. Paid no attention to the issue of underdevelopment

C. None of the above

D. Paid great attention to the issue of underdevelopment

7. The labour theory of value which formed one of the feature of theory of development offered by Racardo was: ____________?
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A. His original idea

B. Borrowed from Marx

C. Borrowed from Adam Smith

D. None of the above

8. Radical underdevelopment theory:
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A. All the above

B. Supported the stand of traditional Marxists

C. Opposed traditional Marxism

D. Effect some modifications in the stand of traditional Marxists

9. Generally the periphery countries are dependent on the centre for: _____________?
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A. All the above

B. Minerals

C. Manufactured goods

D. Raw materials

10. According to liberal theory of development origin of all value was: _______?
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A. Mineral wealth

B. Capital

C. Land

D. Labour

E. Natural resources

11. Who saw a close relationship between underdevelopment and expansion of capitalism?
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A. Radical structuralist

B. Marxists

C. None of the two

D. Both of the above

12. The Mandan theory of development was greatly influenced by: __________?
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A. The English classical school

B. The German historical school

C. By both the above schools

D. By none of the above two schools

13. Which of the following is not true about Adam Smiths views about development?
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A. He laid stress on the accumulation of capital

B. He stressed that division of labour did not depend on the size of the market

C. He laid stress on level of productivity

D. He supported the idea of division of labour

14. According to Adam Smith the division of labour contributes to development:
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A. When the market is small

B. When the market demand is sufficiently large

C. Urder all types of markets

D. When the market is neither too small nor too large

15. The theory of underdevelopment indicates inter-relationship of: __________?
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A. Technology and trade

B. Developed and developing countries

C. Underdeveloped countries among themselves

D. Commerce and industry

E. Developing countries among themselves

16. Marx believed that spread of capitalism throughout the world had led to: __________?
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A. Development

B. Development in some parts and underdevelopment in other parts

C. Underdevelopment

D. None of the above

18. In schumpeters theory of development maximum stress has been laid on: _________?
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A. Entrepreneurship

B. Industrialisation

C. Land

D. Interest

E. Capital

20. An underdeveloped country is one which has good potential prospects for using:
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A. More available natural resources

B. All the above

C. More capital

D. More labour

21. According to Malthus high wages:
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A. Retard fast growth of population

B. Discourage growth rate of population

C. Help maintaining status quo in population growth

D. Promote fast growth of population
24. The chief defect of the neo-Classical theory of development is: __________?
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A. It refused to consider development as a gradual and continuous process

B. It attaches too much importance to factors like political stability and attitude of the people

C. It completely ignores the importance of interest as a factor in establishing equilibrium between supply of savings and demand for capital

D. It completely ignores factors like political stability and attitudes of people
25. The classical thinkers envisaged development:
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A. Without interference by the government

B. Though the combination of all the above methods

C. Under the guidance of the government

D. With the assistance of the government

26. The capital accumulation which according to Marx, contributes to development is rendered possible by:
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A. Reduction of wages

B. Technological improvement

C. Increase in working hours

D. None of the above

27. According to Nettle political development could be properly studied with the help of: __________?
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A. Industrialisation

B. Disciplinary approach

C. Inter-disciplinary approach

D. Political processes

28. Which one of the following has been wrongly listed as a defect of Schumpeters theory?
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A. He wrongly asserts that capitalism is crumbling and socialism is likely to replace it

B. His theory is defective in so far as it tries to present the spirit of enterprise as a phenomenon common to all social organisations

C. His assumption that all innovations are financed by borrowings is not correct because banks generally provide only short-term loans

D. None of the above
29. Which one of the following is not valid criticism against classical theorists of political development?
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A. They overestimated technological progress

B. They underestimated technological progress

C. They wrongly assumed that per capita income rests diminishing returns

D. None of the above

E. They failed to analyse problems of aggregate demands

30. The new-classical writers believed that economic development benefits:
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A. None of the above

B. Only the capitalists

C. All the major income groups

D. Only the workers

31. According to Marx capital accumulation depended on: ___________?
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A. International trade

B. Industrialisation

C. Surplus valuation

D. Increasing population

32. The neo-classical thinkers about development believe that existing social order:
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A. Should be modified to certain extent

B. Should be destroyed

C. Should be preserved

D. Was not conducive for the utilisation of existing resources

33. Which one of the following criticism levelled against the classical theory of development is not correct?
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A. It underestimated the possibility of technological progress

B. None of the above

C. It attached too much importance to the role of technology in development

D. It failed to adequately analyze the problem of maintaining aggregate demand

34. Which one of the following features has been wrongly listed as one of the ingredient of Marxian theory of development?
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A. Theory of surplus value

B. Class-struggle

C. None of the above

D. Centralisation of capital

35. Which one of the following is not true criticism against Marxian theory of development?
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A. None of the above

B. Marx has rightly pin-pointed the effects of technological unemployment

C. Marx analysis of theory of wages is inadequate

D. It is wrong that capitalist keeps some workers permanently unemployed

36. The neo-classiest in their development theory have laid stress on: _________?
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A. Capital formation

B. Dialectical materialism

C. Rate of interest

D. Proletariat revolution

E. Surplus value

38. Non-classical theory of development became necessary:
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A. Due to technological and resource discoveries of the nineteenth century

B. Due to fear of revolution created by the preachings Marx

C. Due to all the above reasons

D. Deu to fast deteriorating condition of the workers in Europe

39. According to Adam Smith the wage rtes fall to the subsistence level:
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A. Under stationary conditions

B. During periods of capital accumulation

C. Under both the above stated conditions

D. Under none of the above stated conditions

40. J.S. Colesmans name is associated with one of the following about political development:
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A. It should be linked with political stability

B. It should be linked with legal system

C. It should be linked with bureaucracy

D. It should be linked with level of absolute power

E. It should be linked with industrialisation

41. According to Lucian Pye most important thing in finding out political development was?
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A. Nature of political processes

B. Nature of laws passed by the state

C. None of these

D. Extent of political mobilisation

E. Extent of political participation

42. The neo-classical thinkers:
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A. Reiterated their faith in the people that wages are determined by supply and demand

B. Asserted that the wages of workers had consistently increased

C. None of the above

D. Asserted that the wages are determined by the productivity of the last worker employed
43. Development is a term which:
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A. Has clearly been defined

B. None of above

C. Has no clear definition

D. Can be defined but no attempt has been made

44. F.W. Riggs in his theory political development has laid stress on:
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A. Political stability

B. Industrialisation

C. Political modernisation

D. Political participation

E. Political democracy

45. Pick out one of the following whose name is linked with political stability in political development:
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A. Edward A. Shills

B. G.A. Almond

C. Karl Marx

D. Max Weber

E. Karl Deutsch
46. Max Weber has linked political development with: _________?
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A. Economy of society

B. Social conditions

C. Administrative development

D. Industrialisation

47. Which one of the following is not true about Malthus?
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A. Profits are high when land-population ratio is favourable

B. Profit go high when rate of accumulation is large

C. Wages go high when land-population ratio is favourable

D. Population tended to come down when wages increased
49. According to Lucian Pye political and economic development:
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A. Should be separated from each other

B. Both are contradictory to each other

C. Should be delinked from each other

D. Should be linked with each other
50. About underdevelopment it has been said that capitalism:
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A. Helps maintaining status quo

B. At times it helps in development but at times not

C. Is always opposed to it

D. It seldom opposed to it