microbiology Mcqs
201. Which of the following lesions is NOT an infection from human papilloma virus ?
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A. Focal epithelial hyperplasia

B. Condyloma acuminatum

C. Keratoacanthoma

D. Verruca vulgaris

202. Sunlight acts as sterilizing agent because_________________?
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A. Heat

B. short wave lenght

C. Long wavelength

D. Ozone

203. A sporangium contains_______________?
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A. Spherules

B. Oidia

C. Chlamydospores

D. porangiospores
204. T cells multiplication is stimulated by_______________?
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A. Heat

B. Phytohaemagglutinin

C. Bovine serum

D. Macrolin

205. Which is false about Wucheraria bancrofti_________________?
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A. Causes filariasis

B. Man and anapheles mosquito are hosts

C. Body is slender and long

D. Terminal nuclei absent

206. Sterilization is a process in which_________________?
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A. Deactivate all pathogens not spores

B. Kill all non-pathogenic micro-organisms in the environment

C. Deactivate all spores and dill pathogenic organism

D. Kill all pathogenic micro-organisms

208. The term epitope refers to________________?
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A. complete antigen molecule

B. Smallest antigenic determinant

C. Hapten

D. Immunogen

209. Prozone phenomenon is due to______________?
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A. Excess antigen

B. Hyper immune reaction

C. Excess antibody

D. Disproportionate antigen antibody levels

210. Which of the following organisms does NOT react with grams stain ?
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A. Actinomyces israelii

B. Streptococcus mutan

C. Candida albicans

D. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
211. Causative organism of Kalahazar is_______________?
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A. Leishman donovani

B. Toxoplasma

C. Entamoeba histolytica

D. Plasmodium ovaie

212. The culture media used for cultivation of HSV is_____________?
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A. Chorio allantoic membrane

B. Sabourads agar

C. Chocolate agar

D. Robertosons cooked-meat broth

213. The medium of choice for culturing yeast from of dimorphic fungi is_________________?
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A. Any medium incubated at 35-37C

B. Brain heart infusion

C. Sabourauds

D. Sabourauds plus antibiotics
215. Donovanosis, true is___________________?
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A. Characterized by painful genital ulcers

B. Penicillin is drug of choice

C. Caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis

D. Lymphadenopathy is remarkable & diagnostic

216. Presence of HBe Ag in Patients with hepatitis indicates_______________?
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A. Carrier status

B. Simple carriers

C. High infectivity

D. Late convalescence

217. Virus are sharply differentiated from bacteria by_______________?
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A. Simple structure

B. All of the above

C. Presence of either DNA or RNA

D. Complex multiplication

218. Which of the following is NOT a live attenuated vaccine ?
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A. Varicella Zoster virus

B. Tuberculosis (BCG)

C. Typhoid

D. Cholera
219. Hydatid cyst is__________________?
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A. Congenital

B. Fungal

C. Viral

D. Parasitic in nature
220. Australia antigen is associated with________________?
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B. Hepatitis B surface antigen in acute hepatitis

C. Basal cell carcinoma

D. Chronic leukemia

222. HIV is transmitted by all of the following routes except________________?
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A. Blood transmission

B. Needle prick injury

C. Sexual intercourse

D. Saliva
223. Half-life of free HIV in plasma is________________?
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A. 24 hours

B. 12 hours

C. 6 hours

D. 3 months

228. Who first introduced solid media_______________?
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A. Louis pasteur

B. Robert koch

C. Hensen

D. Ogston

229. Prions true is____________?
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A. Evokes strong immunogenic reaction

B. Contains DNA/ RNA

C. Readily inactivated by autoclave at 121 C

D. Sensitive to most chemical sterilization

230. Most fungi of medical importance belongs to__________________?
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A. Ascomycetes

B. Basidiomycetes

C. Zygomycetes

D. Deuteromycetes
231. Lesions caused by Entameoba histolytica predominantly involve________________?
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A. Jejunum and Ileum

B. Caecum and large intestine

C. Stomach

D. Duodenum

232. Sterilization of liquid paraffin is done by______________?
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A. Autoclaving

B. Hot air oven

C. UV-Radiation

D. Inspissation

233. The mechanism by which most fungi caused disease is ________________?
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A. hypersensitivity

B. Coagulase production

C. exotoxin production

D. lecithinase production

234. Highest incidence of anemia in the tropics is due to______________?
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A. Guinea worm

B. Thread worm

C. Hook worm

D. Ascaris

235. The Dane particle is the______________?
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A. Delta Virus



D. IgG anti HAV

237. Pseudohphae are seen in____________?
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A. Aspergillus

B. Osporium

C. Alternaria

D. Candida albicans
238. The culture media for fungus is__________________?
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A. NNN medium

B. Chocolate agar medium

C. Sabourauds medium

D. Tellurite medium

239. The cell wall deficient bacteria_______________?
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A. Chlamydiae

B. Rickettsiae

C. Ehrlichiae

D. Mycoplasma
241. Reynolds Braude phenomenon is shown by ___________________?
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A. Cryptococcus

B. Candida albicans

C. Aspergillus

D. Mucor

242. Schuffners dots are seen in infection due to_______________?
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A. Plasmodium falciparum

B. Plasmodium malariae

C. Plasmodium vivax

D. Plasmodium ovale

246. Which of the following viruses does not infect salivary glands ?
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B. Orthomyxovirus

C. Hepatitis C

D. Echo virus

247. Function of Ig A is________________?
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A. Kills virus infected cells

B. Activates macrophages

C. Circulating antibody

D. Acts as a mucosal barrier for infection
248. Opportunistic infection is caused by___________________?
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A. Mucor

B. Penicillium

C. Aspergillus

D. All of the above
250. Dematophytes are fungi infecting________________?
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A. Nails, hair and skin

B. Systemic organs

C. Subcutaneous tissue

D. Superficial skin and deep tissue