judiciary and law Mcqs
5801. A wish to prove a dying declaration by B. A must proves______________?
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A. Bs illness

B. None of these

C. Bs Past Life

D. Bs death
5802. The Term alibi means________________?
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A. Plea of presence at place of offence occurrence

B. Plea of absence from place of offence occurrence

C. Both A and B

D. None of these

5803. When accused person record his statement he will be usually___________________?
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A. Cross examined by his own council

B. Acquitted by the Court

C. Cross examined by the prosecution

D. None of these

5804. The term Res gestae means_______________?
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A. No relation

B. Participator

C. Closely connected

D. None of these

5805. Principle of Tazkiya-al-Suhood is applicable to____________________?
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A. Hudood and Qisas cases

B. Civil cases

C. None of these

D. Cases of high treason

5807. Confession is applicable in cases_______________?
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A. Family cases

B. Criminal cases

C. Civil cases

D. None of these

5809. The term Accomplice means ?
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A. A person who is guilty associate in crime

B. An outsider or stranger

C. Both A. and B.

D. None of these

5810. A dying declaration is________ piece of evidence?
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A. Corroborative

B. Substantive piece of

C. Conclusive piece of

D. None of these

5811. Article 24 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat deals with__________________?
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A. Relevant Facts

B. Facts not otherwise relevant become relevant

C. Both A and B

D. None of these

5812. Article 142 of the Qanun-e-Shahadat deals with_________________?
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A. None of these

B. Discretion of a witness to reply any question

C. Protection of a witness to replay any questions

D. Compulsion of a witness to answer any question
5813. Character of person is relevant in________________?
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A. Civil cases

B. None of these

C. Criminal cases

D. Family cases

5814. Evidence produced through audio cassette is__________________?
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A. Admissible in law

B. Depends upon nature of the case

C. Not admissible in law

D. None of these

5815. In criminal cases past character of a person is________________?
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A. None of these

B. Uncountable

C. Countable

D. Depends upon circumstances

5821. Whenever the opinion of any living person is relevant the grounds upon which such opinion is based are also ?
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A. Irrelevant

B. Relevant

C. None of these

D. Depends upon persons past character

5823. Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984 was made by the President on _____________________?
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A. 25th October, 1984

B. None of these

C. 26th October, 1984

D. 24th October, 1984

5825. Under Qanun-e-Shahadat who is bound to determine competency of witness ?
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A. Court

B. None of these

C. Prosecution or plaintiff

D. Accused or defendant

5828. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984, replaced_______________?
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A. Law of Evidence 1973

B. Law of Evidence 1972

C. None of these

D. Law of Evidence 1872
5830. A person who has been convicted by a Court for perjury or giving false evidence is not a competent witness unless ?
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A. He mended his ways

B. Get a certificate from a Court to testify

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

5833. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984, contains______________?
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A. 166 Articles

B. None of these

C. 164 Articles

D. 176 Articles

5834. A child is a competent witness to testify if he is able________________?
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A. He is physically fit and healthy

B. To understand and give rational answer

C. He is of ten years of age

D. None of these