biology Mcqs
1451. A decrease in the rate of beating of heart is called__________?
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A. Bradycardia

B. Tachycardia

C. Non of these

D. Braditachycardia

1453. Virus is__________?
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A. multicellular

B. unicellular

C. none of these

D. acellular
1454. Which of the following diseases induce immunity?
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A. Smallpox

B. Diabetes

C. Jaundice

D. None of these

1456. Enzyme activity can also be charted through the __________ ?
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A. Rate of digestion

B. Number of active sites

C. Rate of reaction

D. Level of pH

1457. Transport of oxygen by blood takes place with the help of________?
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A. Leucocytes

B. Thrombocytes

C. Erythrocytes

D. Lymphocytes

1458. MDT is used for disease :_________?
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A. None of these

B. Polio

C. Leprosy

D. Tuberculosis

1460. Cell use _______ to make proteins?
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A. Cytoplasm

B. Ribosomes



1461. Study of liver is called _________?
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A. mycology

B. hepatology

C. hematology

D. None of These

1462. All Of the follwing Can Treat kidney Stone Except?
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A. Surgery

B. Lithotripsy

C. Medicine

D. Dialysis
1463. is used as a vector for cloning into higher organisms.
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A. Salmonella typhimurium

B. Rhizopus nigricans

C. Retrovirus

D. Baculovirus

1464. Who discovered Fats?
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A. None of these

B. Michel-Eugne Chevreul

C. Leeuwenhoek

D. C.W. Scheele
1465. _______ bacterial disease affects Eye?
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A. Trachoma

B. Gum disease

C. Osteoporosis

D. Rickets

1466. Who is the Father of Genetics?
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A. Gregor Mendel

B. Alexendar

C. Darewin

D. Louis pasture

1467. What is the first carbohydrate?
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A. Glucose

B. Starch

C. None of these

D. Monosaccharides

1469. cataracts is a disease which is due to__________?
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A. None of these

B. Opacity of Cornea

C. None

D. Opacity of lens

1470. Average of heart beat of Adult Human?
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A. 60 to 100

B. 50 to 100

C. 70 to 100

D. 80 to 100

1472. The first clinical application of gene therapy over a 4 year old girl was for_________?
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A. Adenosine deficiency

B. Adenosine deaminase deficiency

C. Adenine deficiency

D. Growth deficiency

1473. RNA interference helps in__________?
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A. Cell defence

B. Cell differentiation

C. Cell proliferation

D. Micropropagation

1474. The vaccines prepared through recombinant DNA technology are_____________?
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A. First-generation vaccines

B. Third generation vaccines

C. None of these

D. Second-generation vaccines

1475. Bean shaped cells in plants are: _________?
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A. Guard Cells

B. Mesophyll cells

C. Phloem Cells

D. Xylem Cells

1476. Variation in the size of red blood cells is called __________?
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A. Anisocytosis

B. Polychromatophilia

C. hypochromia

D. Poikilocytosis

1479. Stoma, found in the epidermis of leaves closes when guard cells
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A. Exchange gas

B. None of These

C. Lose Water

D. Gain Water

1480. What is the nickname of glucose?
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A. Sugar

B. Glycogen

C. Dextrose

D. Starch

1481. Which bacterium is used in the production of insulin by genetic engineering?
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A. saccharomyces

B. Rhizobium

C. Escherichia

D. Mycobacterium

1483. Path of Blood present in vessels called __________?
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A. Plasma

B. Lumen

C. Capillaries

D. Platelates

1484. Plasmids are used as cloning vectors for which of the following reasons?
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A. Can be multiplied in culture

B. Can be multiplied in laboratories with the help of enzymes

C. Replicate freely outside bacterial cells

D. Self-replication in bacterial cells
1485. ELISA is _________?
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A. Addition of substrate that is converted into a coloured end product

B. Using complement-mediated cell lysis

C. Using radiolabelled second antibody

D. Usage of RBCs

1486. Which of the following is the quality of improved transgenic basmati rice?
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A. Does not require chemical fertilizers and growth hormones

B. Gives high yield and is rich in vitamin A

C. Resistant to insects and diseases

D. Gives high yield but no characteristic aroma

1487. Which is a genetically modified crop?
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A. Bt-cotton

B. All

C. Bt-brinjal

D. Golden rice

1490. Which of the following plant group first formed true leaves?
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A. Lycopsida

B. Pteropsida

C. Sphenopsida

D. Psilopsida

1492. PCR technique was invented by__________?
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A. Karry Mullis

B. Boyer

C. Cohn

D. Sanger

1493. The human sperm was first discovered by ___________?
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A. Robert Hook

B. Von Baer

C. Anton van Leeuwenhoek

D. None of These

1494. Lungs are situated in the __________?
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A. Pericardial cavity

B. Abdominal cavity

C. Buccal cavity

D. Thoracic cavity
1495. The DNA fragments have sticky ends due to___________?
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A. Unpaired bases

B. Calcium ions

C. Endonuclease

D. Free methylation